After pregnancy acne worse

After pregnancy acne worse

I am 28 years and disturb me greatly to my skin. Three years ago I got a beauty of a son and in the period when I was pregnant, I had the best skin ever.

So good spirits, I thought I finally had that horrible acne, but unfortunately. My skin looks worse than ever. The only difference is that now I have acne, especially around the mouth and cheeks. Acne is also changed: it now seems cysts, hard balls ...

Currently I clean my skin morning and evening with the cleanser and as of Pascaud day & night cream I use now a vitamin cream of Environ. Besides I do about 3 or 4 times a week exfoliation. The only downside is that my skin is not really fat, but really feels taut and dry when I have no cream.

What is the best solution for me? I even consider going to the dermatologist, although the use of medication is me again. I want fast results, because my skin is so bad never been to it. I do not know what to do. Previously I could not ever make up the door, but even at home you see me running longer without makeup.

Skin Expert replies

The acne that you are dealing with is probably due to a hormonal imbalance. During your pregnancy you had less or no problems with acne. Unfortunately it's back again and as you indicate in a worse shape and is concentrated around the mouth and cheek area.

Always monitor the use of a peel with a blemished / acne skin that is not "coarse" grains which the skin is stimulated in a wrong way and will create more oil. You write that your skin feels too dry and taut, this indicates a moisture deficit. The skin is too dry.

The following products and treatments I advise you to use your balance to improve skin:

- Cleanser: 2x daily, morning and evening

- Eliminate : the morning after cleansing

- 24 ampoules course : every evening after cleansing massage, then do not use cream to be

- Salicylic exfoliator: several times a week as intensive cleaning, this peel is gentle to the skin

- Hydrating Mask: use after the salicylic exfoliator, ensures immediate comfort to dehydrated skin

To tackle acne skin we must work from within through dietary supplements

- DETO-x : ensures the removal of waste and cleanses the body so that its effect on the skin.

- Skin-X contains such good fatty acids and herbs that purify.

- Ultra Vital: Contains all the B complex.

In the institute the following treatments may be performed:

- Pascaud treatment: The skin gets a good deep clean and is working on the moisture content

- Pascaud Lite Laser / LED behandeling.Deze will concentrate on the acne to reduce inflammation.

At home you can still watch the following things:

- Drink enough water, minus 2 liters per day

- Use every morning and evening after cleansing a clean towel

- Change the pillowcase frequently

The dermatologist will probably prescribe medication as a solution. This problem will be addressed in terms of acne, feel the tightness will continue and there must be more to your skin condition be worked. Your body needs some time to find the balance again and you will see it on your skin. Soon you with peace of mind the house without makeup!

Acne Scar cream: Does it really remove scars?

There's nothing more annoying than an ugly scar that will not leave. Or acne scars on your face that you remind your teens. Scar Creams often promise that they eliminate scars. But is this really possible? What scientific studies show? Scar cream is a good solution?

What is a scar?

A scar is an injury to the skin. This example is caused by a deep wound or acne. The damage is gone beyond just the epidermis. The deeper layer of skin, the dermis is called, is damaged. This is a permanent damage to the skin, a scar. A scar is composed of collagen, which is a connective tissue. This tissue has a different structure than our normal skin, so it will look different.

Scarring may actually disappear from a cream?
Unfortunately scarring may never fully disappear. Yet there are creams that claim they can make scars fade. But do these creams really scarring?

Vitamin E
There is no evidence that scars fade or disappear by treatment with a cream or oil. Many scientific studies have shown that a cream containing the famous ingredient of vitamin E do not do anything. Sometimes the use of vitamin E, the appearance of a scar even worse. Also, an allergy can be formed from vitamin E, rash or irritation.

A study done on vitamin E among 159 people with scars from burns. Half of the group smeared a year vitamin E cream, while the other half of the group did not. After one year, the statistical results that there is no difference between the thickness, size and appearance of the scars were.

Another scientific study showed that vitamin E is sometimes the appearance of a scar worse. The skin can not properly recover when vitamin E is applied too quickly. Also had 33% percent of people who use vitamin E skin rash.

Onion Extract

Many people believe that onion extract can reduce scarring caused by the excessive production of collagen counter. This method was just as ineffective as ordinary scar creams, and may even worsen scarring.

A scientific survey of 97 individuals showed that no improvements were scars on the size, appearance, redness and the softness and texture. The remarkable thing about this study was that the people who had used the onion extract myself thought the scars were improved!

Several popular scar creams, what do they do?
Bio-oil is a relatively new product on the market. Bio-oil claims include scarring, pigmentation and stretch marks less visible. The working ingredients are vitamins A and E, Calendula, lavender, rosemary and chamomile oils. According to scientific research, there is no evidence that the lubrication of vitamins A and E would be good for the skin. Also of the other ingredients, there is no evidence. Yet the Internet is full of positive comments about Bio-Oil.

Biodermal scar cream
The active substance in the scar cream Biodermal of vitamin E, discussed earlier in this article. The operation of the scar cream of Biodermal is therefore doubtful.

Free choice

The operation of scar creams is not scientifically proven, all brands of these creams will say otherwise. The investigations of these brands themselves are not always reliable. These are often a self-evaluation among a small group of people. The psychological effect on many people is visible. Users often think of scar creams that the scars become less visible because they believe in the effect of these creams. There's nothing wrong with that if someone wants to use a scar cream. It's everyone's free choice to try these products, and it is not possible that they could have positive effects. This is not merely a refutation of the operation scar cream or creams as Biodermal Bio-oil.

When Adult Acne Attacks

Maintain their health to prevent and treat acne

If a teenager's acne is linked to hormonal disorders in adults, this problem can most often be uncomfortable due to some negligence of the lifestyle. Indeed, adults, we are more often exposed to stress and fatigue. Yet we still do not maintain our health as it should. But do not forget that the health of our skin goes through the proper functioning of our body. So the first step to eliminate Acne is to maintain his health.

To achieve this, several options are available: a sport to detoxify the body, indulge in a relaxing activity to prevent stress and improve the quality of sleep to prevent fatigue. Another measure to take is to improve our eating habits to better nourish the skin. It is essential to include protein, vegetables and fruits in our daily menus. These items will help maintain the balance between alkaline and acid foods, contributing to the balance of the skin. To maintain this stability, remember to focus on bread, cereal acidic pH as opposed to fruits and vegetables are foods to basic pH.
Other anti-Acne solutions available to adults

Diet plays an important role in skin health. So it is completely balanced, reduce food intake contribute to the onset of acne. For example, red meat causes a hormonal disorder in humans, because it contains a number of hormonal substances. Also, choose foods high in omega 3 fatty acids monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, holding anti-inflammatory. The choice is wide: sardines, mussels, shellfish, nuts, flaxseed oil, canola oil.

At the same time, these foods will improve the quality of sebum and regulate its secretion. Indeed, poor sebum or excessive sebum production favors the appearance of acne. Accordingly, a further precaution to treat this skin imperfection is to regularly clean the dermis by applying the right products for our skin type. Those who prefer the packaging includes the word "non-comedogenic", also to prevent blackheads. Finally, as adolescents, it is recommended to limit sun exposure and not to bully its buttons.

Your makeup causing acne?

Your skin healthy and vital not only costs a lot of time, but can also be quite annoying. It is not easy - and cheap - your skin care, but most women will agree that it is worth.

Your skin care means more than your skin regularly with water to clean. A healthy skin is not enough for many women; continue to apply makeup accents, their faces even more attractive. It is important for facial cleansing and makeup are complementary and not at work.

Makeup is an effective means to redness and pimples to eliminate. Unfortunately many women do not know that makeup can cause acne Acne and even worsen. In this article we give you some tips on how to use makeup without causing acne and you can provide for your skin care makeup that does not sabotage.

Do sponges and brushes regularly

Makeup brushes and sponges attract bacteria. One of the main things you can do against acne Acne  is to avoid skin contact with bacteria. So keep your sponges and brushes for too long without the need to replace or clean or rub as if the bacteria in your skin. That's asking for trouble.

To prevent this you would sponges and brushes at least 2 times, and rather more, per week to wash with what isopropyl alcohol. Even better is to use disposable products. That saves a lot of hassle.

Never go to sleep with your makeup

Sometimes you're so tired after a hard day's work that hard to resist temptation is equivalent to plop into bed. Do not do this. First wash the dirt and makeup from your face and neck down. Use a mild cleanser to clean and close the skin with a mild toner. Make this a habit. If you do not then the bacteria get a chance all night their destructive work to do and cause acne.

Choose non-makeup comedogenische

Makeup on the label indicates that the non-condemogenisch, contains no ingredients that can clog pores. If you want to treat acne is to prevent clogged pores is an important first step. Many women have found that their acne outbreaks were a lot less when they were about to non-comedogenische makeup.

Makeup in powder form is better than liquid makeup
It is absolutely true that better covers than liquid makeup powder. The problem is that much makeup liquid oils and fats. If you have a skin that is prone to acne you should not buy these products. However Powder absorbs oil and grease. So choose the next time you buy new makeup for makeup powder.

How to fight acne naturally ?

Today, one swallow does not; I'll tell you about my methods to combat acne naturally and without chemicals (pills, creams, etc.).

I was like many teenagers and for many years, victim of this skin disease, severe acne, which touched the forehead, cheeks ... I tried everything: dermatologist, birth control pills, creams and products so-called miracles ... without success. These products, which said that cost effective and very expensive, did not help to eliminate acne, worse, my skin cleaner which produced even more sebum to protect themselves and so ... More buttons . However, over time, I realized something very simple that I will share with you. The beauty of the skin is not in creams and other products, but where you least expects it: on your plate! And yes! Because contrary to what has been said, it seems that in my case, the food has a great effect on my skin. I've always had trouble eating lots of vegetables, and foods that naturally contain water. Since I changed my feed me, I saw many changes on my skin. So what are the miracle foods? I would say that for my part, I avoid foods with refined sugar (pre-prepared meals sold in supermarkets, candy, chocolate bars, etc.) and I prefer vegetables and fruits, which contain lots of water, but also natural foods (dried fruits, oilseeds such as almonds, nuts ...), fish and meat. Also I avoid fatty foods like French fries ... Know that the more you eat processed foods (all products sold in supermarkets such as pizza already prepared, etc.), plus you can have acne. The second secret to less acne is to sleep, minimum 8-9h per night. Your skin will be refreshed and renewed more easily. Finally, clean your skin, avoid make-up (which clog the pores of the skin and promote the birth of buttons) and moisturize it well, especially in winter: a clean, moisturized skin will be better protected from external aggression, therefore produce less sebum to protect themselves and you will have fewer buttons! To choose a moisturizer for your skin, go into pharmacy, and choose a cream Non-comedogenic: it does not clog the pores of the skin, let it breathe and thus avoid a proliferation of buttons