How to fight acne naturally ?

Today, one swallow does not; I'll tell you about my methods to combat acne naturally and without chemicals (pills, creams, etc.).

I was like many teenagers and for many years, victim of this skin disease, severe acne, which touched the forehead, cheeks ... I tried everything: dermatologist, birth control pills, creams and products so-called miracles ... without success. These products, which said that cost effective and very expensive, did not help to eliminate acne, worse, my skin cleaner which produced even more sebum to protect themselves and so ... More buttons . However, over time, I realized something very simple that I will share with you. The beauty of the skin is not in creams and other products, but where you least expects it: on your plate! And yes! Because contrary to what has been said, it seems that in my case, the food has a great effect on my skin. I've always had trouble eating lots of vegetables, and foods that naturally contain water. Since I changed my feed me, I saw many changes on my skin. So what are the miracle foods? I would say that for my part, I avoid foods with refined sugar (pre-prepared meals sold in supermarkets, candy, chocolate bars, etc.) and I prefer vegetables and fruits, which contain lots of water, but also natural foods (dried fruits, oilseeds such as almonds, nuts ...), fish and meat. Also I avoid fatty foods like French fries ... Know that the more you eat processed foods (all products sold in supermarkets such as pizza already prepared, etc.), plus you can have acne. The second secret to less acne is to sleep, minimum 8-9h per night. Your skin will be refreshed and renewed more easily. Finally, clean your skin, avoid make-up (which clog the pores of the skin and promote the birth of buttons) and moisturize it well, especially in winter: a clean, moisturized skin will be better protected from external aggression, therefore produce less sebum to protect themselves and you will have fewer buttons! To choose a moisturizer for your skin, go into pharmacy, and choose a cream Non-comedogenic: it does not clog the pores of the skin, let it breathe and thus avoid a proliferation of buttons