Aromatherapy and acne

Acne is the very type of long-term illness, at the boundary between pathology and simple inconvenience.
This skin condition appears at puberty. It would require treatment in 25% of adolescents.
But they often remain resigned after a few attempts at treatment and are content simply to observe some rules of hygiene.
Diagnostic aid: The face or upper torso, these young people are marked by the presence of inflammatory nodules, more or less hard and suppurating. The diagnosis of acne is relatively easy if one knows the origin, the condition of up to three successive stages:

first stage: it is under the influence of hormones of puberty. A significant seborrhea develops, accompanied by a hyperventilation. The pilosebaceous canal becomes blocked.
second stage: it forms a micro cyst which is still called closed comedo. Seborrhea and hyperkeratinization are becoming increasingly important.
third stage: we see a black dot appear on the surface of the skin composed of sebum deteriorated. The comedo is open. At this late stage, according to the subjects and any previous treatments, two developments are possible:

simple hyper seborrhea
complication of the disease by infecting the micro cysts in which hypertrophy was an important characteristic microbial flora consisting mainly Propionibacterium acnes. Staphylococci associated, in principle low pathogenicity, contribute to the development of this inflammation. The Malassezia fur fur, lipophilic yeast very common in mammals, is harmless, as well as other skin bacteria present on occasion. All bacteria mentioned are in fact practically devoid of toxicity clean. They emit however many exoenzymes, including lipases that hydrolyze triglycerides of sebum. Oxidize fatty acids released by irritants and inflammatory compounds. Under the action of photolytic enzymes essentially, this time, there is the rupture of cysts.
In summary, acne is an inflammation of both deep and superficial sebaceous glands are located mainly in the dermis. Inflammation can lead to scratching and titration with suppuration.
Essential oils used: The essential oils traditionally used on the lesions are those of true lavender, lavender has cineol, rosemary verbenone, sage, tea tree, geranium, clove, bergamot, rosewood. The essential oil of peppermint is also advocated by mouth. Other oils available are those of vetiver, sandalwood, oregano compact, German or Roman chamomile.
NB: Never use essential oils in a pure state.
Tip: To do essential oils with a high antiseptic power chimiotypées well and very aggressive vis-à-vis the skin, already used elsewhere in perfumery (type or vetiver sandalwood). Daily lavage of the face with a wet bandages soaked with a few drops of essential oil.
Formula Council acne:

rosemary essential oil "Rosmarinus officinalis" (to verbenone): 2 ml
essential oil of sage "Salvia officinalis": 2 ml
lavender essential oil "Lavandula vera": 3 ml
essential oil of clove "Eugenia caryophyllata": 3 ml
Pure application point by point. If a reaction, adding the same amount of vegetable oil.
Synergy with other therapeutic
Phytotherapy: can be associated plants saponosides to remove oil: ivy, cockle. When the lesions are open, the local application of extracts of comfrey, borage or promote healing through the presence of allantoin.
Moreover, as in many infectious diseases, we can only advise the oral intake of plant immunostimulant (tincture of Echinacea extract, burdock, essential oil of tea tree). Since the sebaceous hypersecretion is the food of these lipophilic yeasts, we can try to remove lipids involved in application of plant extracts rich in saponins already used in cosmetics (ivy, cockle).
For the treatment of eczema, boils and acne, it is recommended the use of dye branches bittersweet. Its association with aromatherapy preparations already mentioned could be considered.

treatment of blackheads: Selenium five CH, two pellets three times a day
treatment of pustules: Kali um bromatum 5CH, same dose
back acne treatment: Sulfur iodatum 5CH, same dosage.