When Adult Acne Attacks

Maintain their health to prevent and treat acne

If a teenager's acne is linked to hormonal disorders in adults, this problem can most often be uncomfortable due to some negligence of the lifestyle. Indeed, adults, we are more often exposed to stress and fatigue. Yet we still do not maintain our health as it should. But do not forget that the health of our skin goes through the proper functioning of our body. So the first step to eliminate Acne is to maintain his health.

To achieve this, several options are available: a sport to detoxify the body, indulge in a relaxing activity to prevent stress and improve the quality of sleep to prevent fatigue. Another measure to take is to improve our eating habits to better nourish the skin. It is essential to include protein, vegetables and fruits in our daily menus. These items will help maintain the balance between alkaline and acid foods, contributing to the balance of the skin. To maintain this stability, remember to focus on bread, cereal acidic pH as opposed to fruits and vegetables are foods to basic pH.
Other anti-Acne solutions available to adults

Diet plays an important role in skin health. So it is completely balanced, reduce food intake contribute to the onset of acne. For example, red meat causes a hormonal disorder in humans, because it contains a number of hormonal substances. Also, choose foods high in omega 3 fatty acids monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, holding anti-inflammatory. The choice is wide: sardines, mussels, shellfish, nuts, flaxseed oil, canola oil.

At the same time, these foods will improve the quality of sebum and regulate its secretion. Indeed, poor sebum or excessive sebum production favors the appearance of acne. Accordingly, a further precaution to treat this skin imperfection is to regularly clean the dermis by applying the right products for our skin type. Those who prefer the packaging includes the word "non-comedogenic", also to prevent blackheads. Finally, as adolescents, it is recommended to limit sun exposure and not to bully its buttons.